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Overcoming Core Challenges: How Credit Unions & Banks can innovate despite their Legacy Systems
Apr 19, 2024
Podcast Episode

I love CONNECTION & COLLABORATION, so having the ability to represent a platform that does that for technology excites me. I'm proud to be part of Janusea team, unlocking pathways and communication so that fintechs and financial institutions can work collaboratively and efficiently to bring innovative solutions to the world.

And while my career is now less specifically in cybersecurity, the cool thing is that Janusea not only enables security solutions in this space, but also solutions related to: lending, digital banking, call center, conversational AI, remote deposit member identity, and more…the possibilities are endless!

👉 You are a fintech that:
~ would benefit from a stronger integration plan
~ wants to expand your reach but don't have the cycles to create relationships with every core provider
👉 You work at a bank or credit union and are:
~ challenged by connecting to your various technology solutions or want to do something innovative, but are having trouble getting the right information to the right place.
~ interested in connecting with a solution that does not have integration to your specific core
~collecting use cases for real-time data that you thought were impossible
👉 You are in (or want to be in) the financial services field and enjoy collaborating and engaging on these topics
👉 We have met in person!
👉 You are in sales and are interested in networking


Nothing I do is what I would consider unique, but I do follow these as my guiding principles:
• LISTEN – my goal is to understand everything I can about my clients and their business…so that I can provide them with well thought out solutions.
• ADVOCATE – I am inspired to champion a client’s needs within my company, within their company, to their prospective clients and to their vendor partners.
• BE HONEST – I endeavor to be as open as possible as it relates to process. Sometimes there is bad news, but my goal is to communicate that…and as soon as possible.
• BE AVAILABLE & RESPONSIVE – I like to believe that my clients know they can count on me and will be attentive to their needs.
• BE CREATIVE & FLEXIBLE – Not everything needs to be customized nor does one size fit all. By *listening* and *advocating* for my clients, we can figure out what might line up best for them.

I receive the highest satisfaction in my “job” from clients that come back and continue to ask for my help.

customer satisfaction • long term relationships • strategy with precise execution • problem solving • team selling • collaboration

podcast episode