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The Aerial View API is now generally available
Sep 25, 2023

Growing up, my parents would ask what I wanted to do with my life. By the age of 10, my default answer had become “something that hasn’t been invented yet,” but it wasn’t until recently when I found meaning in that answer.

At McGill, I stumbled across a group of adventurers. Together, at a UN base in Port-au-Prince, we founded a non-profit media group called Developing Pictures. Teetering out of WFP helicopters and filming food drops from sunbaked flatbeds, we produced videos for clients including the UN, International Medical Corps, and a portfolio of local NGOs. I helped produce pieces that ended up on Haitian TV and that were utilized by the UN for damage assessment following the 2011 earthquake.

Next, I co-founded and led an e-commerce startup called Moral Fibers. Our team attempted to leverage social good into the bottom line of a for profit company. To accomplish this, we employed over a dozen artists in the developing world and crafted their artwork into enchanting web experiences meant to connect the consumer directly to the artist. After 24 months, 5 FT employees, $150k raised, and 17 artist graduates from our program, my co-founder and I decided to dissolve the company and return to McGill.

At Mirametrix, I work with a remarkable team on true technology innovation. I wear hats in business development and own our product. Together, we denature novel technologies into simple, crisp, and effective experiences for world class consumer electronics brands worldwide. Expect our submarine to surface in 2016.

Other accomplishments include:
•I have raised or helped raise over $4M from private angel investors;
•I gave a TEDx talk and was the keynote speaker for the inaugural Red Ideas Festival at Cornell;
•I led or was part of teams that won Quebec’s Forces Avenir grant, the McGill University Dobson Cup, and the BDC Innovation Award.
