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The Easiest Way for Retailers to Send Text Reminders to Customers
Oct 20, 2023

Join the Porch team!


CEO, Chairman, and founder of Porch Group, the vertical software platform for the home. Porch’s mission is to help home services companies grow and through these relationships to help make the home simple, from moving to maintenance and everything in between.

Prior to founding Porch, I created my technology startup, Thriva, in my dorm room at Stanford. In 2007, Thriva was acquired by Active Network and I went on to become Active Network’s Chief Strategy Officer, where during my five-year tenure, Active grew from $60 million to more than $420 million in revenue and an initial public offering in 2011.

In 2020, Porch Group rang the Nasdaq opening bell and began trading under the ticker symbol PRCH.
