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Athletic Greens Use Case | UserTesting + Athletic Greens
Oct 17, 2023
Case Study
Athletic Greens + UserTesting
May 17, 2023
Case Study

I tackle complex problems and help users feel more confident using technology.

Full-stack Product Design/UX Lead passionate about driving user engagement through strategy and product innovation. Seasoned veteran in eCommerce, content management systems and digital marketing. Experienced with building and leading teams as well as rolling up my sleeves and achieving hands-on results.

+ Expert UX skills
+ Solid experience using advanced UX tools (Sketch, Axure, InVision, etc.)
+ Create user-centric artifacts, such as customer journey maps, personas, etc.
+ Lead workshops/ideation sessions with engineers, users and stakeholders
+ Create low/high-fidelity mockups, with specifications on scenarios/functionality
+ Experienced with design tools such as Photoshop, Illustrator
+ Strong HTML/CSS knowledge, familiar with various JS frameworks
+ Strong experience with user testing, interviews, analytics
+ Able to work remotely in a productive and organized manner
+ Passion and curiosity for creating and building things

Advisory Board, Product Management, UCLAx
Member, Webby Awards Panel
Lecturer @ General Assembly, UCLAx

case studies