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CMO Perspectives: Meaghan Moore, ServiceNow
Jan 16, 2024

In her book, Daring Greatly, Brené Brown wrote, “Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” Since the first day of my first job, I have let myself be seen, and that has made all the difference in my life.

Throughout my career in the tech space, I benefited from working for exceptional leaders and inspiring mentors who challenged me and held me accountable. From them, I learned that trust is the single most important word in business. My team must trust me and my vision. Our partners and customers must trust that we have their best interests in mind when we share our programs with them. My company stakeholders must trust my team and me when they ask us to execute their strategies. Every day we ask people in our ecosystems to trust us. We will make mistakes, and sometimes we will fail, but we must never lose their trust.

I believe in living and working in the moment. I learn from the past, and I prepare for the future, but my complete focus is on this moment. The success of my team, my company, our partners, and customers depends entirely on our ability to successfully execute in the moment; failure occurs when we lose our focus.

I am passionate about giving opportunities to early talent, and to see them outperform whatever benchmarks they were given. I want to share with them the lessons and best practices that I learned so that they are equipped to do great things as leaders.

Outside of work, I appreciate and welcome whatever life has in store for me. I am grateful for what I have and won’t let a day go by without sharing my gratitude with others, especially my family.
