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How To Break Free From The Fear You Have Around Money with Mel Abraham
Jun 17, 2024
Podcast Episode

I’m a CPA by education but an entrepreneur by exhilaration, and Author of the #1 Bestseller, The Entrepreneur's Solution: The Modern Millionaire's Path to More Profit, Fans & Freedom. As the founder The Affluence Blueprint™, The Legacy Factor™ and Thoughtpreneur™ Academy I’ve been obsessed with helping people and entrepreneurs bring their businesses to life and build the lifestyle that they want.

The power of the principles and frameworks I teach became immensely clear after finding a cancerous tumor in my bladder larger than a baseball in June 2019. My cancer journey followed by people's financial struggles through the pandemic highlighted the immediate and urgent need for others to get access to these powerful principles. This personal journey, combined with the financial upheavals many faced during the pandemic, became the seeds for my soon to be released book, Build Your Money Machine: How to Get Your Money to Work Harder For You Than You Did For it!.

In it, I champion the ethos that achieving financial freedom isn't about deprivation; it's about intentional decision-making and it is your birthright. Through real-world experience and actionable insights, I lay down a comprehensive roadmap to financial freedom, from establishing your vision to creating a self-sustaining money machine.

podcast episode