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Here’s what I notice happening in the workplace, and it may be happening to you too:

If you’re frustrated or fed up because your work contributions are overlooked…Or if you’re “hiding” at work, letting everyone else get praised and promoted before you do…

You’re being “invisible.”

Being invisible at work keeps too many people stuck, unhappy, and not achieving their highest potential. In short:

Being invisible at work sucks.

▷▷So, I talk about it.

✭I make it my mission to share everything I know to help you feel more confident and stop hiding at work. ✭

▹▹▹No more biting your tongue when you have an idea (share it!). Stop sitting in the corner at meetings (stand out, baby!). Never miss an opportunity to share your accomplishments (people need to know!).

I know this is a different way of showing up at work for you. But here’s why visibility is so important:

👉 Research shows being visible is 💯% linked to your future success. It’s how you’ll get a raise, land your dream job, start a business, find more happiness - whatever you want to achieve.

You’ve got to start talking about your accomplishments. Saying what you think. Taking on new projects.

It’s scary, I know. I want to help you make it happen.

You were born with confidence. You still have it - everyone has it. It’s a skill and you can reclaim it.

You have the power to make a difference in your life. And I’ll tell you one more thing I really want you to hear:

We need you. Your contribution is important because it’s YOU. We need more of YOU in the workforce so others see they don’t have to hide.

Are you with me?

Watch “Do You Want To Get Paid What You Deserve?” in the Featured section below. Since I can’t be right next to you to cheer you on, this is the next best thing. You’ll learn 3 ways to instantly raise your visibility.

Being visible is so important and I know you can nail it. I’m working on it too, in different parts of my life.

We got this!

I’m right there with you.

And it’s awesome when we do it together.

♡ Mel

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