Melissa Lui

Melissa Lui

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‎The Pavilion Podcast: Ep 34: Leaning Into New Opportunities During Big Life Changes feat Melissa Lui on Apple Podcasts
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‎The Pavilion Podcast: Ep 34: Leaning Into New Opportunities During Big Life Changes feat Melissa Lui on Apple Podcasts
Podcast Episode

Head of Sales Development at AirGarage focused on the growth and development of my sales development reps, professionally and personally.

I am a huge believer in focusing on the journey and process versus the end result. "Your career is not a ladder, it's a jungle gym." I prioritize coaching, personal development, and radical candor for my team.

I am dedicated to building the most ambitious, hungry, and consistent quota overachieving cold outbound sales development team in the country. Whether you're an aspiring SDR who wants to come aboard a winning squad, or a sales leader who wants to trade best practices, shoot me a note on LinkedIn! I'm eager to help in any way that I can.

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