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How to Maintain Quality When Outsourcing Digital Content Creation
Feb 03, 2021
Educate Your Content Marketing Prospects First, Then Sell Them
Nov 11, 2020

Publishing digital content can be a valuable asset for agencies. When done right, it can spark interest, position you as an expert and incentivize purchase. But, writing content for your clients internally can be costly and time consuming. This all too often leads to an abandoned blog, which damages credibility.

I started Tempesta Media in 2008 to address this issue. Today, our team of over 12,000 vetted writers produce original, industry-specific content for agencies, website developers and businesses all over the world.

As the company Founder & CEO I’m focused on corporate strategy, executive team leadership and the overall business operations across all company segments, including the company’s Content Quotes and Article Document divisions.

I invite you to connect with me here on LinkedIn and, if you’re an SEO agency professional I encourage you join my LinkedIn group, SEO & Content Marketing Leaders of America:
