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Lead Generation Mistakes To Avoid (If You Want To Help Your Buyers Grow)
Apr 19, 2023
Podcast Episode | 856.240.8101 x201

After years in the direct response business with call center responsibilities, Valerie Schlitt knew there was a better way to outsource lead generation and appointment setting. She created VSA to deliver the complete transparency, detailed reporting, and results that customers need.

When you partner with us, we do all the heavy lifting, such as writing call scripts and prospect emails. We use our talent and experience to guide you through our Client Onboarding process and create a custom, market-ready outbound lead generation campaign. We are experts at the top of the sales funnel!

VSA has 90% employee retention rate; our savvy BDRs have an average tenure of 5+ years and are able to engage your prospects both casually and professionally. We are adamant about making each campaign ROI positive and will initiate continuous improvements to optimize results. From Day One, we are an instant extension of your sales team.

Furthermore, we’re agile - the close partnerships we form with our clients give us the ability to change, restart, or ramp up campaigns as the need develops. We constantly communicate with our clients about our progress, providing top-notch management oversight and detailed reporting. We pride ourselves on our complete honesty, exceptional transparency, and unprecedented flexibility. We strive to build client relationships that are partnerships in the truest sense.

Connect with me on LinkedIn or give me a call.

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