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3 Tips for a Successful Content Marketing Funnel
Oct 25, 2023

I never thought I would be a marketer. No, not me. When my former Editor-in-Chief told me I might need marketing skills sometime in my career, my response was: LOL. Literally.

I was a journalist to the bone, and I didn't have any intention of becoming a copywriter, content manager, or anything in between. Until I did.

My career has shifted towards content marketing and content management, both as an in-house content writer/editor/manager and a freelance writer for clients from Canada, Switzerland, Ireland, Australia…

Now I’m a journalist-turned-content-specialist with 14 years of experience in wordcraft – worldwide. I use my journalistic mindset, copywriting skillset, and content marketing expertise to simplify complex topics and communicate with clarity. Putting readers first, always.

My never-ending curiosity for all things UX has led me to the world of SaaS, product marketing, and product adoption. I'm taking deep dives into the research, expanding my knowledge day by day, and crafting helpful, educational, and actionable content pieces. And I’m loving it!
