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‎The Sales Evangelist: Natasha Hemmingway | The 5-Step Formula That Will Rewire the Brain to Think Like a Sales Pro on Apple Podcasts
Apr 03, 2023
Podcast Episode

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‎The Sales Evangelist: Natasha Hemmingway | The 5-Step Formula That Will Rewire the Brain to Think Like a Sales Pro on Apple Podcasts
Apr 03, 2023
Podcast Episode

No one has ever taught you how to sell effectively.

So now you’re using an old-school (majorly outdated) sales system or script that feels really forced and inauthentic.

Or maybe you don’t even have a sales process or system in your business at all which means you’ll likely keep struggling to pay the bills.

Do any of these sound familiar?
✅ I don’t like selling.
✅ I’m afraid they’ll say no.
✅ I don’t know how to communicate what I’m actually offering.
✅ I have no idea how to price myself.
✅ I feel pushy.
✅ I feel manipulative.
✅ I freeze up like a deer in headlights when it’s time to close and talk about pricing.

But let's be real.
You didn't start a business to go into sales.

Hi, I'm Natasha, your sales coach!

I’m a Sales Coach + Speaker who spends her days helping Entrepreneurs master their authentic Sales Process and achieve meaningful success & sell with Heart Not Hustle™.

I’m also a wife, mother, and a lover of hazelnut coffee creamer, music, and creating memories with the people I love.

Listen, I know you’re scared. I know your mind is spinning around the possibilities of what your life could be like in 6 months. I want to remind you that your business is safe with me.

Ready to learn more? Head over to my featured section and schedule a call!

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