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How GE Digital Increased Accuracy on Marketing Influence Reporting - LeanData
Jul 13, 2020
Case Study

I love building great brands and keeping great brands great.

I have learned throughout my career that building and maintaining strong brands requires consistency in communications and experiences. The intersection between brand experience, customer experience, and employee experience is intrinsically linked. My focus with brand strategy is to weave it into every message, medium, and moment that touches an internal or external audience.

Across all my roles in marketing, communications, DE&I, or customer experience, brand has always been at the center. Starting from my first post-college job as an RFP writer and crafting new brand guidelines and messaging maps for communications consistency to most recently in supporting the brand evolution of GE into three new companies.

Using the actual words from my colleagues, direct reports, and leaders, my core strengths are:

AUTHENTIC LEADER | I am a “highly effective, transparent, and perceptive leader and coach” who brings out the strengths of her team. I “create space for a breadth and depth of voices” to be considered in all stages of the creative process. I am “humble” and “believe I have something to learn from everyone”.

BRAND CHAMPION | I “light up” when I "talk brand" and my “enthusiasm is infectious”. I "connect the dots" and "integrate brand into all functions."

CLEAR COMMUNICATOR | I am a “confident and concise communicator who is able to connect strategy to execution” and “simplify the complex.” I am an "effective communications coach" to the c-suite.

CUSTOMER-CENTRIC MARKETER | I “build bridges between the art and science of marketing” to create customer-focused brand campaigns. I am “relentless on asking 'who is this for’ and ‘what value are we providing’.”

CULTURE CHANGE AGENT | I’ve “built visions, sold ideas to leadership, inspired teams, and scaled organizational programs" on brand purpose, employee engagement, and customer experience.

DATA-DRIVEN PROBLEM SOLVER | Throughout my career I have been “able to identify creative ideas to solve business problems and shepherd those ideas to delivery”. I approach problems like “puzzles to be solved” always looking to data for answers and “solving for the root cause.”

For a full version of my resume, please contact me via LinkedIn.

case study