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More Qualified Sales Calls at Less Cost With Nicholas Kusmich
Apr 18, 2023
Podcast Episode

At 17 years old, I was 'forced' into "entrepreneurship" and be the primary breadwinner for my family.

My father has his 2nd stoke (which didn't allow him to work anymore) and my mother, because of language barriers, couldn't get a job.

I tried (and failed) at almost everything (selling Cutco knives, Network Marketing, stuff envelopes, and taking surveys) until I came across "Internet Marketing".

I just happened to be in the right place at the right time and was one of the first people who advertised on Facebook (now META).

The rest, as they say, is history.

I am the guy behind some of the highest campaign ROIs in the world.

Marketers Lie, Numbers Donā€™t:

āœ… 98,209 Business Training Leads in 12 Days
āœ… 1,163.5% Coaching ROI
āœ… $1.3M+ Health Revenue in 22 Days
āœ… 1656.34% Health Supplements ROI in 14 Days
āœ… $3,228,259.39 Information Product Revenue in 27 Days
āœ… 2,054.86% Live Event ROI
āœ… 12,063.2% SAAS ROI

I've had the privilege to work with many household names like: Joe Polish, Josh Asaraf, Dean Graziosi, Traffic & Funnels, Rich Schefren, Russ Ruffino, Todd Herman, Ryan Levesque, Shanda Sumpter, Robin Sharma, Ryan Holiday, T Harv Ecker, Brian Rose, The Truth About Cancer, Grace Lever, JJ Virgin, Jon Benson, Mastin Kipp, Dollar Beard Club, The Neuro Hacker Collective and so many more.

A few quotes:

ā€œNicholas is the total package when it comes to Facebook Advertising. He's an industry leaderā€
- Ryan Deiss

ā€œHow many people would you trust with your credit card to spend $10,000 per day to get you customers and make you money? I trust Nicholas because he has made me millionsā€
- Todd Herman

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podcast episode