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2 Tips + 2 Takeaways From Our Win/Loss Webinar with Nick Siddoway and Brad Rosen
Jun 28, 2023


At Primary Intelligence we uncover the blind spots that only your buyers can see in your product, sales approach, company and price. Amidst all the current change/disruption from 2020, there are 3 things every revenue leader needs to know to grow win rates.

🔷 What is most important to my buyers, today, when making a purchase decision?

🔷What are the specific win/loss reasons for each of my individual sales reps?

🔷What is my competition doing to adapt to the 2020 chaos, and how do we stay ahead?

If you can't answer those 3 questions REAL TIME, I'd be delighted to connect with you. I can provide you these answers, specific to your business, in just a few clicks.


Our teams bring you volumes of buyer insights...straight from the mouths of your buyers, evaluators and customers, so you can't make strategic revenue decision with speed and confidence.

We've helped over 3,000 sales, marketing and product leaders understand why they are losing deals and how they can win more...consistently.

Our process is simple for you to use! We drive these results by leveraging our "one-of-a-kind" automated Win/Loss platform, plus in-depth buyer interviews. The deliverables are unmatched in the industry!

Ask me about my 3 favorite customer stories -
🏆 Helping a Fortune 100 company grow win rates on a new product from 6% to 48%
🏆 Helping a software company grow win rates by 72%
🏆 Helping a pharma company save a multi-million dollar customer that was walking out the door


If you'd like to see if this process really will help you answer your burning, buyer questions, and drive revenue gains --- message me and we can set you up on a 90-day FREE Trial. No strings attached.

Looking forward to getting acquainted!
