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The Voice in Your Head is Lying to You!
Aug 04, 2023
Podcast Episode

Something just isn’t clicking.

“I feel like I’m missing something.”

“What’s wrong with me? I feel like I just can’t get my business together.”

You’re taking courses, talking to coaches and draining your retirement savings account faster than you can make any money. You are wondering if you’re too old. You’re racing the clock hoping you’ll be able to save enough for retirement (but it’s not looking good), and you’re exhausting yourself running on a hamster wheel of “busy work” but getting nowhere.

I’m Pamela.

I help strong women entrepreneurs exactly like you untangle your business by implementing digital marketing techniques so you can release the anxiety, fear, and self-doubt you’re holding onto about your business and step into the unapologetic powerhouse you actually are (including walking into ANY room and owning it--Every. Single. Time.)

Why would I do this?

Because not that long ago, I was YOU. In my heart and against overwhelming odds, I knew I had the potential to rise above my circumstances and use it as a springboard to overcome my painful past. I just had to figure out the “how.”

I spent a handful of years and almost my entire life savings jumping from course to course and guru to guru in search of the magic beans that would instantly turn my business into an overnight success. (To be clear, I never found any magic beans, or for that matter, a giant, a beanstalk, or a kid who promised a golden goose.)

You don’t have to spend years or your life savings like I did to get here. It’s SO much easier than you think! I challenge you to rise above your situation and join me in changing the world-- one fiercely empowered woman at a time!

⭐️ Book a chat:

Keywords: Digital Marketing | coach | Funnelologist | Funnelspirations Show | sales funnels | ClickFunnels | branding | women entrepreneurs | solopreneur | accountability | group coaching | online marketing strategist | client | Go High Level |

podcast episode