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Mortgage Coaching: Your Guide to the Top 10 Mortgage Coaching Programs
Sep 14, 2023
Building Community Around Interests With Phil Treadwell
Aug 28, 2023
Podcast Episode

I'm the Founder & Mindset Coach at M1 Academy, as well as a national speaker and podcaster with over 18-years experience as a top-producing mortgage professional. I help mortgage & real estate professionals build their best life and business, and collaborate with industry thought leaders across the country.

I'm also the host of the Mortgage Marketing Expert podcast where interview some of the mortgage & real estate industry’s elite performers, as the share firsthand tips and advice on how to build a more productive and profitable business. I've spoken at dozens of industry events and been a guest on over 100 other podcasts and social media shows.

Recent Awards & Recognitions Include:
2019 - "40 Most Influential Mortgage Professionals Under 40" by NMP Magazine
2020 - "Top 20 Mortgage Professional in 2020" by Yahoo! Finance
2021 - "Most Connected Mortgage Professionals in 2021" by NMP Magazine
2022 - "Most Connected Mortgage Professionals in 2021" by NMP Magazine

For more info:

podcast episode