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Introducing the Air Quality API: Promoting resilience to a changing climate
Sep 25, 2023

My burning ambition is to improve the health and safety for billions of people across the globe exposed to environmental hazards due to Climate Change.

As Co-founder and former CEO at BreezoMeter; now Part of Google, I am able on a daily basis to work towards bringing my dream to fruition.

Over 300M people use our services already rely daily on BreezoMeter environmental intelligence to make informed decisions on how to avoid breathing hazards. We believe that by joining Google we will be able to realize our mission to improve the health and safety of billions of people around the world.

My skill set and network were key factors in helping me to build our company. After completing my mandatory army service in one of the IDF’s elite computer units, I went on to study at the Technion, the Israeli Institute of Technology, earning a BSc in environmental engineering. While still studying at the Technion, I became the first Environmental Officer of several chemical plants belonging to Israel Chemicals Ltd (ICL), a multinational manufacturing concern. Prior to founding BreezoMeter, I also lectured at the ORT Braude College of Engineering on desalination and environmental engineering.

Setting up BreezoMeter has been an amazing journey, and feel privilged to work with anazing team and have the opportunity helping the world to make the invisible visible.
