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Client And Account Onboarding | EP210 PPCCChat Roundup
Jun 22, 2022
Podcast Episode

I'm a growth marketing consultant with years of experience helping household brands in the UK and across North America to reach potential customers and grow their revenue through digital. Originally from Yorkshire, I moved to sunny Vancouver in 2022.

I got into marketing because I think it combines the qualitative and quantitative like no other industry. We have to provide creative solutions from digging deep into the data. At no time has this been more true than this year: When data is becoming increasingly competitive and mistrusted.

From history to data, I've always been fascinated by the underlying cause of things. I took a postgrad diploma in Data Science and Machine Learning so that I could better understand the algorithms that connect us with our customers, and so that I could use them to grow my clients.

I'm innately curious about pretty much everything and have a passion for learning new things: both online and offline. So, with the advent of remote working, I moved from London to Vancouver so that I could explore a new continent and bring the outdoors-hiking, skiing and running- into my daily life.

For contact, use LinkedIn. All views my own, unless expressed otherwise

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