Robin Colucci

Robin Colucci

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When Being Controversial is Advantageous with Ali Schwanke
Podcast Episode

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When Being Controversial is Advantageous with Ali Schwanke
Podcast Episode

Have you ever started writing a book, gotten stuck, and then had no idea where to turn? Maybe you started researching and didn’t know where to start. You know you’ve got a book in you, but how do you get it into the world, let alone write it?

It’s true; writing a book can be a minefield. Do you hire someone to ghostwrite, or do you hire a coach? Of all the so-called “experts” out there, who can you trust? If you want a traditional publishing deal, how do you query agents or align your idea with a hungry market? The options can seem endless and overwhelming.

Since 1986, I’ve been learning all the ins and outs of the publishing industry. My first job out of college was working with a New York Times bestselling author who mentored me on what it takes to develop, pitch, write, publish, and promote a book.

Later, I became an acquisitions editor for a small independent publishing house. Put in charge of selecting works for publication, I quickly realized that first time authors (and many second-time ones) needed help to move book projects from start to finish and identify that kernel of wisdom that really makes their idea unique.

During my time in acquisitions, I came across so many incredible people who had brilliant ideas but didn’t have a clue as to how to frame their thoughts into a clear, salable concept.

I felt haunted by all the potential I’d seen and said no to. It wasn’t long before I saw what I needed to do. I needed to get to these wannabe authors before they pitched a half-baked idea and blew it with a publisher.

And that’s exactly why I founded R Colucci LLC, so I could help brilliant experts position their work in a way that agents and publishers would line up to buy it!

Since 2003, my team and I have been helping clients formulate their concept, write their books, and get them published. Many of our clients have been published by "Big 5" publishing houses and others have chosen to self-publish. Many have won awards, received outstanding book reviews, and/or appeared on Amazon, USA Today, and the New York Times bestsellers lists.

Writing a book and getting it published has helped our clients open doors to new opportunities, expand brand awareness, deepen brand loyalty, gain greater recognition and influence, enhance credibility, and increase their bottom line.

Each one of our clients arrive with an idea and a drive to change the world. Whether professionals, top scientists, CEOs, Nobel laureates, or non-profit founders, I have watched each of them go through the process and flourish, both personally and professionally.

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