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Balancing Marketing Fundamentals with Innovation
Jun 27, 2024
Podcast Episode

Hey there, I’m Ry—one of the scrappiest marketers you’ll ever meet.

And I don’t mean scrappy in the traditional sense, I.E., disorganized. I mean it in the context of a hockey player—a teammate who is competitive, does not fear challenges, dedicated to team goals, and most importantly, adaptive.

Content Marketing, writing, and storytelling are my main bread and butter but working at a start-up has forced me to add other skills such as: Product Marketing, Use Case Development, Branding and Messaging, Demand Generation, Account Based Marketing, and Sales Enablement.

Like a successful center in hockey, I’ve learned the importance of being able to play at both ends of the ice. The modern marketer must be able to pivot and explore disciplines outside of their comfort zones.

This mindset has shaped my marketing philosophy and has been key in my current career growth.

I can’t do it all but if the bell tolls and I need to assume a role, I’ll either figure it out myself or find the perfect person to fill the void.

Curious to learn more? Let’s catch up over a virtual coffee (or whiskey).

podcast episode