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5 Quirky online writing tips
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Sally McGraw is a savvy and versatile ghostwriter, editor, and book coach with nearly 20 years of professional experience. Her primary focus is supporting self-help, business, and social justice nonfiction books, though she's also helped her clients craft in-depth articles, laugh-out-loud posts, and unforgettable web copy. In recent years, she's helped authors create engaging titles on catalyzing innovation, meaningful allyship, investment strategies for Millennials, overcoming fear, recruiting and retaining employees of color, and the importance of empathy in the business world.

Sally is skilled at creating attention-grabbing pitches, and has taught a CreativeLive class on book proposals that's reached nearly 8,000 students. Sally's writing under her own name has been featured on the Huffington Post and; she's worked as a contributing editor at Adios Barbie; and her marketing and entrepreneurial advice has appeared on the GoDaddy blog. When she's not writing or editing, she's usually kicking butt at a Muay Thai class, working a shift at the Minnesota Raptor Center, fussing with her ever-growing collection of houseplants, or binge-watching Brooklyn 99.

Specialties: Non-fiction books, book proposals, blog posts, blog editorial calendars
