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🎥 The 4C Framework: Generate & Convert Social Media Leads (2-part sales training with Shawn Quintero)
Jun 20, 2023

⭐ The Clients With Purpose 90 Day Sales Accelerator ⬇ Grab a spot and "Apply for a Call"

CAREER JOURNEY - Went to college for one day in 2011 and "noped" my way out real fast.

Decided to start a business instead. Failed, failed again, until 2017.

I couldn't afford a ticket to a business conference so I volunteered.

Stage manager got sick, so I got pulled from the back of the room to backstage.

Turned the connections I made into a 7-figure Coaching business.

The secret? 5 words:

⭐ Market - Build a market of buyers
⭐ Sales - Get good at selling your expertise
⭐ Message - Tell more of your and your clients stories
⭐ Launch - Host an event that creates attention
⭐ Scale - Build systems that allow you to step away and still generate new revenue


◾ You want to fast track your business growth by transitioning from 1:1 coaching to a group model
◾ You want to relax your calendar of sales and coaching calls
◾ You want a clear plan to get more clients, referrals and business opportunities

Plus the Clients With Purpose sales method is based on trust, leadership, and heart-centered principles that take the ick, sleaze, and non-consensual sales tricks of the past and toss them in the garbage.

I believe every person deserves to live a life of abundance.


🔷 "I ran a successful photography business doing around $250,000/yr. With the CWP framework, I've now transitioned into coaching photographers and now generate tens of thousands each month from my LIVE Launches! This method just works."

🔷 "I've taken several sales trainings in the past, but ShawnQ actually stepped in to help me with my pricing, positioning, message, and launch campaigns. He really know's his stuff."

🔷 "WWSD? - I think about this every time I make a decision in my business now! (What would Shawn do?)"

🔷 "Just signed my first $25k client, paid in full. And I'm only 2 weeks into the program. So many people are just sitting on leads they don't even know are there!"

Follow their advice & send me a message or apply for a call.

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⬇ Apply for a Call with ShawnQ to GET IN the ⭐ The Clients With Purpose 90 Day Sales Accelerator
