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About Cooden Tax Consulting
Sep 27, 2023
Case Study

So what am I?

In truth, I am very limited in what I am. I am an ex-auditor who tries to listen more than I speak, but I have a bad habit of interrupting (that is a lifelong effort to combat, I blame it on my parents for giving me two brothers). I am an ex-Financial Controller having worked in Clinical Research & Motorsport Engineering during a seven year stint in Industry, where I learned a lot about research and development. I am a bit of a sponge, I soak up information and useless facts and every so often when I am squeezed, I let some (or all if it's a particularly tight squeeze) of that information come out.

I am fascinated by innovation, I am amazed at what other businesses do and I am desperate to help them, I wish I was half as brave as they are (I am not even that). But what I will do is help those businesses that have bought into me and who I am, get to where they want to be, whether that is through helping them to prepare robust R&D Claims and as our relationship grows, by introducing them to my network of contacts that I have soaked up over many years, who might be able to support them with other issues. Generally I try to be me, a happy, to a certain extent go-lucky, self-deprecating bloke who is above average at most things he turns his hand to!

I am also the founder of Cooden - R&D Tax Specialists, a niche tax consultancy that delivers huge cashflow benefits to companies across the UK who have invested in Research & Development.

I have been involved in R&D Tax Relief claims since 2005, when working in Practice a client developed a large scale potable water-purification system that was purchased by the British Army to take to the Balkans.

Since then I have had a keen interest in the Tax Relief and subsequently worked for:
- an International Clinical Research Organisation:
- UK company claimed in excess of £5m of Tax Relief
- French company claimed in excess of €1m of Credit Impot Recherché
- a motorsport company who claimed a six figure sum for prototype sports car development & testing

We have successfully defended all enquiries from HMRC.

If you have never claimed before, you're looking for an alternate provider or you've an ongoing enquiry and would like some support, you can arrange a #FindOutInFifteenMinutes discovery call with me at a time that suits you by visiting .

I am also keen to talk to Accountants & other Professional Advisors about referrals, if you would like to have a conversation you can book some time suitable to you at

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