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How transparency and tech can turbo charge your lead generation with Simon Delaney
Oct 25, 2023

I am the CEO of Databowl, a company that helps lead buyers remove bad leads and collect more of the leads that become sales.

With over 15 years of experience in marketing operations, lead generation, direct marketing, and data orchestration, I have a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the online marketing and performance marketing industry, especially when buying leads.

My mission is to provide our clients with the tools and support to ensure that only the best leads arrive at their door, saving them time and money, and building connections and relationships with real people.

We approach this at a human level, not a data level, and we operate with complete transparency. Thanks to our validation software, we have rejected hundreds of millions of unsuitable leads and processed over a billion high quality leads globally. We also enable real-time data delivery and feedback, eliminating delays and losses in the lead buying process.
