Sneh Choudhary

Sneh Choudhary

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TikTok vs. YouTube: Which Is Best for Your Goals?
Nov 09, 2023

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13-Step Guide to Building a Brand Community (+Real-World Examples)
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TikTok vs. YouTube: Which Is Best for Your Goals?
Nov 09, 2023

Hi there 👋, you lovely human! Thanks for dropping by :)

My superpower is writing content that doesn't suck, resemble keyword soup, or look like it was scraped off of Google's first page.

What happens when you create content that doesn't hide behind old, crappy data, invoke FOMO or game the algorithm?

Your audience loves it.

They trust you.

They share it. Heck, sometimes your competitors can't help share it too (I've made it happen!)

Now the algorithm knows you're the expert too and the SEO gods favor you in SERPs.

Because you're not "selling" anything, people buy. Your content keeps them engaged, helps them achieve their goals, and turns them into super users.

How do you do that?

You need to:

- Create a solid content strategy
- Analyze the right metrics (stop looking at MQLs only!)
- Produce quality content with purpose consistently

And me. You need me :)

Here's what I did in the last year for Beaconstac:

-> Increased the organic traffic by 270%
-> 80% of customers came from organic efforts
-> Analyzed SQLs and customers
-> Revenue grew from ~0 to $3m ARR

Want to collaborate 🤝 on a project or debate whether 🍍 and 🍕 belong together? Slide into my DMs!
