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The State of Outbound Sales in 2024
Apr 09, 2024

It takes 60-90 days to hire a sales rep. How do you minimize the pipeline NOT generated by the SDR from the moment you decide to hire?

So you made the decision to hire an SDR. You need more meetings. You're expanding the team.

From the moment you made the decision to hire - a meter started running.

It's counting the revenue you're not making from those sales reps.

Yes. It's a cost you have to incur.


There's a big difference:

60 days hiring process
90 day ramp up time
ACV: 50K
Meeting quota: 10
Total: 5 months x 10 meetings x 50k pipeline = $500,000 not generated pipeline


20 days hiring process
30 day ramp up time
ACV: 50K
Meeting quota: 10
Total: 1.8 months x 10 meetings x 50k pipeline = $180,000 not generated pipeline

If you cut your hiring time, you increase the amount of money you make. In this case you just made $320,000 back.

And I'm not including here a situation where you made the wrong hire altogether. In that case the 150 day nightmare starts all over.

So how do you make sure you're always in the Scenario #2?

This is where we jump in.

SDR Hire finds remote salespeople in Eastern Europe.

We choose them based on their mindset.

We train them on skills like: prospecting, cold calls, cold emails, sequencing, outbound automation.

We assess those skills.

And then we hand pick them for you.

You can expect 3-5 interviews booked on your calendar, with vetted, trained and skilled SDRs in just 2-4 days.

The average hiring process lasts for 20 days.

Still not sure? - DM me "Remote SDRs" and let's have a chat.
