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Stefan Somborac on The Life and Times of a Google Product Expert
Nov 21, 2023
Podcast Episode
Local Search Clinic with Stefan Somborac
Jun 21, 2023

y goal is to help small businesses use marketing channels with measurable performance to achieve their business goals.
When I graduated from business school in 1998 we were told that the biggest challenge facing marketers was figuring out how to measure the results of your marketing efforts. It was generally viewed as difficult, highly inaccurate or even impossible.

And then digital marketing changed everything.

As an engineer, I love the numbers digital marketing produces.

As a computer nerd (who has been playing with computers since the TRS-80) I love the medium itself.

And as a marketer, I love the granular nature of online audience targeting, the option to test and improve, and ultimately, the ability to measure the outcome of your marketing efforts.

podcast episode