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How Tiffany Largie grew her business from nothing to $2.5 million
Sep 25, 2023
Case Study

There was no magic bullet for coast-to-coast business and sales strategist, Tiffany Largie. She went from being a single mom to building three six-figure businesses, and on to a MULTIPLE seven-figure businesses by the age of 30. Tiffany began with no capital but sheer hard work and determination. Today she leads a global movement that helps people create the income, influence, and impact they dream of. She’s the creator of “DO THE DAMN THING” & DTDT BRANDS, a group of companies that offer business training and support to idea-driven business owners and globally on sales strategy, branding through mastering the STORY, company culture, leadership, marketing, and life mastery

You need me to help your company if:

1. Your sales are stagnant.
2. You are running your company by the seat of your pants.
3. You don't see a clear path to the next million.
4. Your sales force produces inconsistent results.
5. Your company can't run without you in it.

You need me on your team so that you can ...

Get instant clarity on not only where you can grow and HOW to get there.
Get a clear path to adding the next couple of million to your bottom line.
Get more revenue out of the employees that you have without creating overwhelm.

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You Need Me On Stage If:

You are tired of seeing the same old thing and people who are simply motivational.

I went from putting my kids to bed hungry to building a few multiple six-figure businesses and then onto multiple seven-figure businesses before the age of 30 which I sold. My business partners were XEROX, HP, and FP.

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