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What Good Looks Like for a Unified Enablement Strategy
Jun 15, 2023
Podcast Episode

Global Sales Enablement Manager | Boston, Tel Aviv

Someone talked to your customer today. Let’s hope they missed the signals that customer sent.

But maybe they didn't.

Eventually, some salesperson will listen for those cues. Some salesperson will recognize the opportunity in front of them.

That salesperson should be one of yours.

Trained, coached, rehearsed, and completely in sync with your battle plan — towards the high margin, innovative, fan-creating solutions your customers are signaling they need.

Salespeople enabled to do that are gold.

I’ve helped transform sales teams around the world. Now they listen, see, and recognize the signals… the way your salespeople should.

Your sales team can deliver more. I can get them there.

Let’s connect here on LinkedIn.

podcast episode