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The Main Reason Why Brand is Built on Social
Feb 19, 2024
Podcast Episode

Tom Christmann is a strategic thinker and creative leader who has been in love with advertising since the 1990s. Along the way, he has helped produce iconic communications for some of the most famous brands in the world.

Tom's Budweiser SuperBowl spot "Heroes Welcome" was nominated for an Emmy award. He has also won Cannes Lions, One Show Pencils, D&AD Pencils, Effies, Clios, an FWA and several games of Words With Friends.

Tom is the creator and host of The A-List Podcast, which gathers the origin stories of the industry's creative leaders. He is also co-dean of Adhouse Advertising School. And he was co-founder and commissioner of the legendary Madmen Bowling League.

See his work and all he is doing at

podcast episode