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#54 - Product Innovation: How the combo of AI and a Sales rep can increase sales productivity by +80%
Feb 19, 2019
Podcast Episode

Bad news - there is NO MAGIC FORMULA to grow your B2B SaaS business from 7 to 9 figures.

Good news – I’ve taught 100s of SaaS CEOs to scale their SaaS businesses
without being dependent on external funding.

See, when it comes to scaling, there are 2 types of people:

Those who waste countless hours trawling through hundreds of free guides trying to figure it all out for themselves,

Spending tens of thousands of dollars on random marketing agencies in search of the “magic formula,”

And later losing a Big % of business equity because they desperately need external funding to stay alive…

…And those who listen to people who don’t talk the talk, but WALK THE WALK.

If you’re wondering how to:

- Scale your $1M ARR SaaS business to 8 or 9 figures,
- Replace slow sales cycles with PREDICTABLE traction,
- Remove the word “discount” from your sales processes,
- Help more customers without killing your capacity or margins,
- Connect ALL the dots (not just some random ones),
- Get out of your own head,
…And do all this without misleading promises & sleazy tactics….

You’ll need somebody who’s already been in the trenches.

Based on 30+ years of field experience, 150+ SaaS CEO Masterminds, 500+ mentoring hours, and 1,000s of re-positioning project hours, I developed a proven system that:

- Starts with YOUR CUSTOMERS in mind.
- Turns what makes your SaaS unique into a foundation for predictable traction.
- Handholds your Marketing & Sales Team to create momentum.
- Guides you in tuning your SaaS business towards becoming resilient.

Results it’s gotten for my clients:

- Closing deals 30% faster in LESS than 1 quarter
- Winning 60% instead of just 30% WITHOUT giving discounts.
- Turning $10k customers into $90.000 deals.
- Improving average order value by 40%+ YOY.
- Creating a track-record of achieving targets EVERY quarter.

The best part is, none of those business:

- Was the market leader in their space.
- Had less than 7 well-known competitors.
- Had the luxury of a multi-million dollar budget.
- Had a well established brand.
- Employed top-tier marketers or sales execs.

Instead, they decided to focus entirely on the prospects with a high value problem they solve better than ANYONE else.

So the question is - do you want to upgrade your stretched-too-thin, unscalable SaaS business …

into an 8 to 9-figure empire?

If so, shoot me a DM, and let’s talk.

podcast episode