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Unlocking Success: 23 Email Marketing Campaign Tips for Higher Open & Click-through Rates
Oct 18, 2023

Negotiating easily at any level: negotiations with executives, owners of companies. Negotiations in English.
Ability to defend my point of view, set priorities. The client for me is always on the first place - I put the interests of my clients above personal ones.
I’m in charge of the marketing and sales department. I share my experience with colleagues and teach them to work effectively. I control the work of employees, motivate them to achieve goals in the interests of the company. Building an effective team of sales managers.
Adaptation of new employees.
I’ve expanded into international market. Opened several new directions, which became strategically important for the company. New directions have increased our sales and total revenue from sales for the year.
Brought to the market new partners with absolutely new products, which increased company’s profit and enhanced leading position among competitors. New products gave me an edge over the competition.
I always make a review of the market and further development prospects
I always try to find new clients.
Cooperation with state companies, preparation of documents and participation in tenders, trading on the Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange (Metals in Belarusian economy), signing a contract and full support of a deal, work with accounts receivable (drawing up a claim under a contract, working with a lawyer).
Good knowledge of core documents (standards, GOSTs, regulations, etc.)
Self-motivated, self-confident. Decisive, strategic thinking. I achieve 100% of the result, I give priority to the maximum efficiency of performing any task. I'm not afraid to make decisions and take responsibility for them. Demanding to myself and others. Pragmatic.
Setting new goals and objectives for achieving positive results.
I can work effectively under pressure.
I am keen on personal growth. I constantly study and raise qualification, participate in seminars, branch conferences.
