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Dealing with Diversity
Aug 27, 2020
Podcast Episode

Scholar-practitioner, Veronica Appleton, PhD, is an award-winning educator and JEDIB Executive with a passion for creativity and innovation. Her work intersects understanding human behavior and culture building. Appleton has a keen appetite for addressing challenges found most commonly in the workplace:

*BIPOC Women in Leadership — support in career development, often overlooked and silenced
*Storytelling in Leadership — intentional tool for employee engagement, brand building from the inside out
*Racial Parity in AMC Industries — advertising, marketing and communications (AMC) industries lack of racial diversity and belonging

To learn more about Veronica Appleton, visit:

Specialties: provide empathy at all times, actively listens to the forgotten and silenced, respect the differences of others, keep the interests of many before my own, challenge status quo, and lead with a JEDI mindset.

‘You alone are enough.'
~Maya Angelou

podcast episode