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Predictions 2021 - Adtech searches for its identity, data's new era and AI is democratised - AdNews
Sep 28, 2021

Humans thrive on engagement. Being engaged, creating an emotional connection with someone as their take their first steps with you, or just reassuring them you still know them and care about them, this is the experience humans react to. Get it right and you can build trust to take that first commitment. Get it right again and again as your relationship grows and you don’t just earn the right to keep (and grow) them but they’ll actively promote you ahead of your competition. Get it wrong, turn them off and they’re a pretty unforgiving lot...

Speak to any modern C suite executive and they’ll share a passion for their customer experience - and so they should. As leading brands have proven time and time again getting this right is a key ingredient to building a successful business. However too often the experience brands curate for their customers falls short of the vision. They aren’t engaged. All too often the culprit is data - not the lack of ideas or an inability to execute, or a lack of appropriate CX technology!!

For decades data has caused headaches - it’s fragmented, disorganised, held in silos by different parts of your organisation, and exponentially growing in volume. As if that wasn’t enough you need to make decisions about a customers experience in real time - do or die!

Oh and a fast evolving governance and regulatory environment means that if you get it wrong not only will your business be subject to heavy penalties but your brand, reputation and the trust you’ve been carefully building with customers could be permanently tarnished.

For over two decades, I’ve been helping CMOs drive business growth, and prove their impact as marketing professionals. I’ve seen many new genres of marketing, advertising and data technology arrive, mature and evolve - along the way a few have gone but most have flourished fuelled by the evidence of what happens when you “get it right”.

But it’s a complex world and many businesses really struggle successfully translating vision to strategy and through to execution.

I have a sincere passion and curiosity for how businesses can improve how they acquire, grow and keep their best customers by leveraging the right mix of marketing, advertising and data technology in their customer experience. After all it’s all I’ve been talking about for over two decades!

I’d love to help you too. Let’s connect, share ideas, inspiration and success.
