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Stand out and find your voice on social media with Erica Schneider
Aug 05, 2024
Podcast Episode

People who know me describe me as a go-getter. Someone with a lot of energy who goes the extra mile. An open-minded and honest person who's passionate about creating great (digital) experiences.

I’ve been “doing stuff with websites” for over 20 years (I started in high school). I have a background in Business Administration and have been professionally active with digital marketing for 15 years.

Over this time, I’ve helped small and large organizations to grow their online presence and gain more traction with their digital activities. I am currently the CMO of Hypefury, a company I co-founded couple of years ago.

I am a nerd when it comes to Search Engine Optimizing, Search Engine Advertising and Conversion Rate Optimization. After I learned how to build basic websites for myself, I started building them for companies & joined a Digital Marketing agency back in 2008.

That was also the time I really started my passive income business. I saw all my colleagues working on their side projects, so I also decided to start too. My first one was a proxy website which got huge traffic but made little money.

So I started another side project. This time in finance. Early on, I worked at Rabobank where I followed courses from Nibe SVV. So I started a site about how to get the best savings rate & loans.

Just that website alone has netted me over 30k in the past 10 years. I have 100’s of websites “working” for me. So you can imagine how that works out…

Some websites I spent maybe 4 hours in total creating them and have netted me over 10k in 5 years. Thats 2500 bucks an hour. And the best thing is: my hourly rate for those websites keeps going up and up the longer I hold on to them.

I started my blog to teach others how to do the same. Like me, others also have interests that they could monetize to live off on passive income. The only thing you have to do is write down your knowledge. Make more, spend smarter.

This is also why I love the power of building an audience. And why I joined Hypefury as a co-founder & Chief Marketing Officer while investing & advising early-stage startups on the side. (I am also a guest lecturer for Digital marketing at a Dutch University).

With Hypefury, we took the best techniques & asks from Top creators to turn them into an app! You can: Create & schedule content seamlessly | Sell more products | Grow your audience & email list (across Li, Twitter & Insta).

I & aspire to be a creative person who empowers people to bring out the best in them. Work hard, play hard is his motto :)

PS : I make great pizzas & love to fly airplanes!

podcast episode