Advice: "I got promoted and my old coworker is now my direct report. He's jealous and making my life miserable."
3 min read
Advice: "I got promoted and my old coworker is now my direct report. He's jealous and making my life miserable."

I'm in my fifth year working in sales, and I'm almost positive it's what I want to do for the rest of my life. This past year, I was promoted to sales manager. It's my first management position, but so far, I'm loving it, and taking my responsibilities seriously.

But there's someone who isn't loving it: a guy who is on my team who used to be my coworker. It's as if he's unhappy that I got promoted while he is still selling. When we were coworkers, he was generally pretty cool towards me, and we never had any issues.I've gone out of my way to try to be nice to this guy, but no matter how patient and respectful I am, he keeps doing this passive-aggressive act. Any advice on how to turn him around? He puts up numbers, but he's not a top producer or anything.

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