Ademola Adelakun

Ademola Adelakun

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Video Content For B2B: Everything You Need To Know

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Video Content For B2B: Everything You Need To Know

Hi there! I’m Ademola, and I'm an entrepreneur who has failed more times than I can count 👋🏿.

Over the last decade, I've been trying to learn the best way to test, scale, and build successful businesses. And at times, I didn't know if I would ever find something that I could monetize and enjoy all at once

I knew I wanted to do something that helped me connect with people on a deeper level, but I struggled for many years to find the answer.

Then I started making videos 📹.

First to make my friends and family laugh. Then, for companies who wanted to make their content a little more "fun and memorable".

My journey has taken me to CBC Dragon's Den as a contestant to being a video content creator for Shopify's twitter page, and even interviewing celebrities like Leon Bridges all because of my love for video and meaningful connection with others.

Today, I've helped several companies connect with their audiences in a more meaningful way using video.

If you've read this far, I'm willing to bet that you know that your viewers and listeners crave a deeper connection with you and your brand, and you're looking for ways to satisfy them.

Video is the answer you've been looking for.

Video emails.
Video prospecting.
Video enablement.

It just works. And I'll work with you to:

✅ Build more brand awareness with your target market.
✅ Build credibility & trust with your target market and partners.
✅ Generate a steady stream of high quality leads to convert to customers.

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