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Building your SaaS company's growth function with Elena Verna - SaaStock
Podcast Episode

After 11 years of sales experience in IT, Telecoms & Cloud, I started a blog on SaaS called SaaScribe. This soon caught on and I built a powerful network across the SaaS founder and investor community. The blog soon led to the creation of the first ever podcast on B2B SaaS, called The SaaS Revolution show, and that led to the first exclusively SaaS themed meetups in London, Dublin and Berlin.

That was 2016 and since then SaaStock has grown to be the biggest B2B SaaS Conference in Europe with five major conferences a year in five countries and many more local events.

As an entrepreneur I know the value of shared knowledge from those in a similar sector so it's my mission to share the newest ideas and connect the brightest minds in SaaS so everyone can benefit.

podcast episode