Courtney Beall

Courtney Beall

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Manufacturing Series: Data-driven Event Strategies

In the original series of Star Trek, the narrator opens with "Space: The Final Frontier." The audience is then whisked away into exploring new worlds and boldly going where no man (or woman) has gone before. As a marketing professional, I've noticed a new frontier we are facing and that's the digital frontier.

We are all on this journey together. In speaking to friends, colleagues, and peers at other companies, I've realized many professionals are working to figure out what the right mix of platforms are to reach customers and perspective customers, where customers go to learn about latest information, and how reaching those customers is shifting as innovative technology emerges. We, as marketing leaders, must strive to properly support traditional and digital efforts with our existing resources.

Nothing gets me more excited than learning about emerging technology and how we can incorporate it into marketing strategy, and it must always start with understanding our customer.
• What challenges does each person face every day?
• Where do they go for new information or who do they reach out to?
• What kind of information are they searching for and how do they like to consume that information?

I enjoy putting together marketing strategies, communications plans and campaigns that provide meaningful and timely information to our audiences. I also love exploring new methods of making content more engaging and easier to understand. Most importantly, I like to understand how each campaign performs so I can determine if it's meeting the goals we set up or if we need to pivot.

Companies and marketing teams are all trying to keep up with innovative technology, and it isn't a five-year mission like the crew from the Enterprise was tasked with. It is, however, an exciting mission and one that is constantly evolving.

Specialties Include:
• Customer-centric marketing strategies
• Content creation
• Product launches
• Brand management
• Problem-solving
• Analytical skills
