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You're an Authority, it's Time to Act Like it (Sunny Lenarduzzi & Jane Stoller Share Tips)
Jul 08, 2022

Hi! I’m Jane, a Swiss-Canadian author, speaker, and life-biz organizer. While I was already climbing the corporate ladder in the early years of my career, I found that my passion is really in decluttering spaces, organizing business processes, and helping people reduce overwhelm. That’s why I founded in 2017.

Whether you’re an individual looking to revamp your space, an entrepreneur wanting to boost your productivity, or a large corporation needing a complete business overhaul, I can definitely help.

It started off with organizing spaces and business processes for my friends and family, just for fun. But that went so well that I wrote and self-published my first book, Organizing for Your Lifestyle, which gained international attention, and then worked with Wiley Publishing to release my second book, Decluttering for Dummies. Now I am writing my third book, which is in deals with a publisher and the name to be released soon!

When I set down my pen and paper, I lecture at Vancouver Island University in Canada for part of the year, helping students learn management skills.

If you are ready to get decluttered and organized, email me to discuss your unique needs!
