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‎John Stopper | What You Need To Do To Hit Your Enterprise Sales Target Today
Apr 03, 2023
Podcast Episode

In many enterprise organizations, strategic sales are typically considered “complex” because the buyer has multiple decision-makers with different value-propositions, unpredictable outcomes, and can be difficult to close.

When the sales team has the core belief that the sale is complex, the consequences are:

➊ Loss of speed
➋ Inaccurate forecasting
➌ Reactive vs. proactive deal strategy
➍ Unnecessary discounting
➎ Increased cost of sale
➏ Poorly defined next steps
➐ The inability to compete effectively
➑ Lack of organization alignment

It doesn’t have to be complex.

Compass Selling™ is an agile system for adapting deal strategies and tactics for rapidly changing business conditions.

Through our easily adopted tailored program, we guide top performers to gain a competitive advantage and continue incremental growth and performance.

If deals aren't closing when expected or you're losing them to competition or status quo, let's chat. Whether or not we work together, I can share insights that can help you align your team to gain speed and sales execution. | 917.287.0734

podcast episode