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Digital Retail Customer Engagement Trends in Southeast Asia
Sep 08, 2021

I am an insightful and result-driven marketing expert and executive with 29 years’ experience in leading brand development efforts and managing marketing and communications strategies to bring companies to flagship positions in their industries.

I can offer a unique blend of sound expertise in designing marketing strategies and plans for social media coverage and marketing activities, experience in directing complex marketing and loyalty programs, and proven proficiency in producing high-level events to drive company’s sales as well as support branding initiatives and strategic outreach.

My professional background shaped my business vision; and now when some people see a set target like a horizon, dreaming to achieve it, I strive to explore what is far behind it, motivating the staff to do the same. That is what I do and have done by leading high-performing teams, pioneering new approaches and tactics in marketing and product promotion that become a trend and deliver unprecedented results, developing and launching new products, integrating best practices in marketing and brand management as well as executing strategies and initiatives that drive companies to a new level.

My proficiency in strategic planning, out of the box critical thinking, and flexibility allow me to have a clear vision on the ever-changing climate in business and the market, come up with creative solutions to overcome challenges, and make strategic decisions to support the development and growth of the company.
