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On the road, Jessica White, Vigor
Jun 05, 2024
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On the road: Brandon Friesen, Just Global
May 22, 2024
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On the road: Andrea D'Amato, Foundry
May 15, 2024
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On the road: Jennifer Jarrad, Elastic
May 01, 2024
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On the road: Zoë Crowder, IDC
Apr 24, 2024
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On the road: Dean Wootton, Pure Storage
Apr 10, 2024
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On the road: Rajashree Rammohan, Foundry
Apr 03, 2024
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On the road: Clarissa Gent, AWS
Mar 27, 2024
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On the road: Richard O'Connor, B2B Marketing
Mar 19, 2024
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On the road: Angela Salerno, Cribl
Mar 13, 2024
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They say when one door closes, another opens! For me, that happened during Hurricane Katrina. My senior year in college got turned upside down, but through the turmoil I discovered a career in media sales. I learned what a “white paper” was and how to generate a lead. Fast forward a few years, I’m supporting the best and brightest technology marketers in the world, while leading a sales organization at the forefront of the Media and MarTech industry.

As a hard worker with an entrepreneurial spirit, I have built a reputation for leading and building sales teams facing massive change, new initiatives, cultural shifts, and revenue difficulties. I love building teams and I love turnarounds. I am known for creating relationships that drive results, honest and integrity that lead to lasting partnerships, and leading teams that exceed revenue expectations. I’ve been blessed with many highlights over my career and here are just a few:

- Orchestrated a large innovative and first to market 8-figure deal with Intel and their top global partners, including AWS, Google, HPE, and many more.
- Opened a regional office in Chicago for an underperforming six-figure territory, turning the area into a multimillion-dollar region with a team of four.
- Led a turnaround with a team suffering with cultural and revenue problems, resulting in 20% growth YoY through new hiring, focus on culture, and restructuring territories and process. Many of these new hires went on to leadership roles of their own.
- Took over an international sales team that led to 166% growth in two years.
- Inherited a sales team with the largest regional budget in the global company and achieved 115% of target in the first year as their new sales leader.
- Reshaped the sales and marketing GTM strategy aimed at technology Partner Marketers customers, resulting in doubling of sales revenue in two years.

But what I’m most proud about is my family, here in Golden, Colorado. My wonderful Canadian wife who immigrated here to America and our amazing daughter and two sons. Let’s not forget the dog, our beloved chocolate lab named Charlie. We’re incredibly busy with three kids spanning four years, but we love every minute of our life in the Rockies. My family gives me purpose and helps me understand important virtues that greatly impact my professional life: Honesty, integrity, grit, compassion, and just plain old fun! Sense of humor above all else 😊

Feel free to DM on LinkedIn and follow me on Twitter: @RickCurrier

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