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Ryan Pereus | This Is Why Your Cold Calls Are Not Working
Jul 02, 2024
Podcast Episode
Appointment Setting 101: Tips & Tricks from B2B Sales Superstars
May 29, 2023
Why B2B Leads Reject Sales Meetings (And How To Fix It)
Apr 19, 2023
Podcast Episode
Superhuman Prospecting
Nov 15, 2021
Case Study

I'm definitely NOT this guy 🛑 :

I'm more of this guy here 👇:

I'm a human who loves finding the value connection between buyers and sellers. I have always had a knack for understanding the conversation that connects people to products and services.

Steven Covey says highly effective people find their "voice". This is the combination of an individuals talents, passions, and an understanding on how they contribute to what the world needs.

My voice is sales development.

1) Sales in the 21st century is missing trust. This is what the world needs.
2) My passion is in the satisfaction found in successfully securing a connection between a person who needs something and someone who gives something
3) My talent is the human interactions and conversation fulfilling this connection

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