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Building new products with supercharged efficiency using Supermetrics
Mar 23, 2024
Case Study

I am a seasoned digital executive, leader, and strategist. I’m an expert in business communications, operational management, solution based selling, and revenue creation.

Throughout my career, I have been part of the leadership teams that have built ideas into multi-million-dollar companies with fortune 500 clients, hundreds of employees, and ground breaking technologies.

I’ve worn many hats in my career - sales leader, manager, marketer, strategist, and operations. As a result, I have a unique ability to manage multi-disciplinary projects and navigate complex challenges. But actual experience has taught me that my professional value boiled down to following:

I’ve been directing, selling, and leading development of digital media and data since the Web was born.

I am a multi-linguist of technology-driven business. I speak fluent geek, marketer, data scientist, trainer, salesperson, and difficult client. Understanding means fewer missteps, and missteps cost a fortune.

I don’t care who gets credit, I just want to win.

I have BIG ideas.

Lots of people have Big ideas. Execution is what matters, and I do execution.

If my left and right brain were hands, I’d be ambidextrous.

I’m the calm one.

I run towards fires.

I love making new professional acquaintences. Reach out if you want to talk technology, business or snowboarding.

Specialties: Operational management, communications, training and employee development, web analytics, data sciences, marketing, and social media.

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