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The Best Definition of Marketing with Seth Matlins (Forbes)
Jun 25, 2024
Podcast Episode
The best definition of marketing with Seth Matlins (Forbes)
Jun 25, 2024
Podcast Episode
The Best Definition of Marketing with Seth Matlins (Forbes)
Jun 25, 2024
Podcast Episode

I'm a versatile operator/marketer, with a career spent in and advising the C-suite of the most iconic brands globally, designing efficient, effective, and often culturally-driven solutions to their most intractable problems. Side note: I've never held a position that existed before I had it.

If I've any one strength it's what Steve Jobs described as the "ability to make unexpected connections between fields," one of the benefits of doing what I do for as many brands as I have.

I'm currently the Managing Director of the Forbes CMO Network; overseeing and building the editorial, content, programming strategy, and development for one of the most influential communities of marketers globally, including the Forbes CMO Summit; The World’s Most Influential CMOs list, the Entrepreneurial CMOs list, and a growing portfolio of editorial initiatives. My work is to help evolve the art and science of marketing at a time when marketing and brands are in real crisis.

Previously, I spent 5 years at Endeavor's cultural marketing agency 160/90, where I built and oversaw the Strat Planning, Cultural Insights, Purpose-Driven and Entertainment Marketing practices. I also sat on Endeavor's DEI board of advisors.

I was Live Nation's first Global CMO, overseeing a marketing organization of 500, led the company to YoY EBITDA growth in both a recession and one of the most scrutinized mergers in recent history. In 14 months, I re-architected data-driven, fan-centric media and creative strategies, reinventing plans/ops across the whole of the marketing organization.

While a career is about far more than its successes, some other moments:

- Built 5 different marketing businesses inside Hollywood’s two biggest companies, CAA and Endeavor
- Bear the scars of lessons learned as a failed entrepreneur who tried to make the world a better place for women and girls (still trying.)
- Created CVS's BeautyMark platform, changing the face of beauty globally
- Authored both The Truth In Advertising Act, Federal Legislation, twice introduced in Congress with bi-partisan sponsorship, and The Scratch & Sniff Book of Weed (7th printing)
- Convinced eBay to post their first video ad, making video integral to their platform
- Put Coke into American Idol, a partnership AdAge said “transformed TV advertising” (and Coke)
- Reframed Google's search query for suicide
- Recommended against Sprite signing LeBron out of HS. Not everything's a winner.
- Represented 3 of the first 4 US Gold medalists in beach volleyball. (Random, yes.)

Of course there's more, so find me if you'd like to talk.

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