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What can be the cause of a churn rate increase in business?
Jan 30, 2023

I started investing in 2008. I believe there is plenty of opportunity for us all to do well. So every transaction or deal that I am involved must be mutually beneficial to ALL parties.

Since 2008 I have focused on buying single-family homes as rentals. In Denver, CO, Port Richey FL, and Indianapolis, IN.

Being in several unique markets provides a level of security. It gives me the ability to buy low and sell high more easily. I try to understand which market is currently on an upward trend and use 1031's to go there.

At the moment (April 2020) Indianapolis is very attractive. The low cost of living, ongoing developments, and stability of house prices mean that is where I am looking for deals.

Being nearer the cycle peak I turned my hand to flip houses - with mild success. Enough said there. However, I learned a lot while performing extensive rehabs. This has allowed me to become a very savvy lender.

So now I am a private lender also. I am an asset-backed lender, investment real estate only, typically in the first position. I lend through both regular and IRA accounts. I have also helped my friends and family find lending opportunities. I enjoy this side of the business a lot.

Recently I have also started writing - primarily for my own learning however I do record it all on my website I do not write anything groundbreaking, however, I try to research and understand the current situations and then form my own opinion of the facts. As it is 100% me apparently "Uncle GOOGLE" will like it because it is truly unique. Currently, I have just completed a fun piece - a trip down memory lane for me. It's titled

"My First Rental Property Ever" What I did right and what I did wrong.

I enjoy it for sure.

Going forward my plan is to continue sourcing off-market deals that allow me to upgrade the rental portfolio. I do not want more doors, I would just like better doors over time. So again, continuing to employ 1031 exchanges, moving from door to door.

I really want to get better at Networking so that is a big reason why I have come to LinkedIn. I would also like to meet more like-minded people, socially conscious, hard-working people. I am in the real estate space so that is always something to talk about but I enjoy hearing everyone's perspective, so if you ever have a moment I would love to hear from you. Tell me about what you are seeing in your neighborhood. It doesn't have to be about real estate.

Thanks for your time and I wish you all great health and success (however you define it).

Shaun Martin
