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MedLM: generative AI fine-tuned for the healthcare industry
Dec 26, 2023

Yossi Matias is Vice President, Engineering & Research, at Google.

Yossi is on Google Research leadership. A global leader of Google’s AI for Health, Climate and Education, and pioneering efforts in Generative AI. His team is working on impact-driven breakthrough research, innovation, and moonshots, advancing society-centered AI to help transform products and address societal challenges with life saving and life changing technologies. Yossi was previously on Google’s Search leadership for over a decade.

His work on Health AI is aiming to help transform healthcare - from driving better diagnostics to Med-PaLM, a language model tuned for the health industry. His work on the Climate Crisis and Sustainability includes work on mitigation as well as adaptation - as founding lead of Google’s Crisis Response initiative, providing AI-based actionable information (e.g., flood forecasting - on Fortune’s “Change The World” list). His work on Generative Ai includes efforts on Factuality (e.g. Double Check) and Efficiency (e.g. Speculative Decoding). Yossi pioneered Conversational AI innovation towards transforming the phone experience (Google Duplex, Call Screen, Hold for Me) and removing barriers of modality and languages (Live Caption, Live Relay, Euphonia, Read Aloud). His work on Search included building and leading Google Trends, Google Autocomplete, Search Console, and Search experiences in weather, sports, dictionaries and more.

Yossi is also the founding managing director of Google’s center in Israel (now over 2500 on staff), oversaw Google’s site in Bangalore (through 4-fold growth), and oversees Google’s expanding Research team in Africa. Among his initiatives, he was a founding lead of Google’s AI for Social Good, Google for Startup Accelerator, Startups for Sustainable Development, Mind the Gap (encouraging young female students globally to pursue STEM education and careers in tech) and pioneered an initiative of bringing online hundreds of heritage collections, seeding Google Arts & Culture.

Yossi is on the Computer Science faculty at Tel Aviv University, and previously a Research Scientist at Bell Labs and visiting professor at Stanford. He published over 150 papers and is the inventor of over 70 patents. Yossi is a recipient of the Godel Prize, an ACM Fellow, and a recipient of the 2019 ACM Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award for seminal work on the foundations of streaming algorithms and their application to large-scale data analytics.
