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The PPC Compliance Series: How to Acquire Customers with Consent-Based Marketing in a Compliant Way
Nov 25, 2023

At 20, I knew it all.
At 30, I realized 20-year-old me was a fool.
At 40, I realized that 30-year-old me was just as foolish in different ways.

Experience is a funny thing. You devalue it when you don't have it, but the perspective that it provides is invaluable. Instead of giving me greater confidence, experience has caused me to balance trusting my intuition with a genuine curiosity and desire to understand those who disagree with me.

The path I've taken, through entrepreneurship, data science, marketing, and sales provides me a vantage point of understanding how the revenue machine functions. Terms like "Product-Led" or "Sales-Led" often miss the point. It's always "Customer-Led."

What happens when you're "Customer-Led?" Your customers open doors and become your biggest advocates. A sales team that pays you!
